Friday, December 11, 2009


As you may know, Bilerico provided space yesterday for a hysterically transphobic screed entitled "No" to the notion of transgender, written by one of the major voices of the transphobic wing of the gay rights movement in the 1970s, Ronald Gold. Gold was a political ally of Janice Raymond - who otherwise despised and from all impressions still despises men - in the disenfranchisement and destruction of the nascent transgender movement; despite the fact that without the transgender movement there would have been no Stonewall riots and no gay rights movement of the 1970s.

The predictable backlash from this screed prompted Bil Browning to post an ass-covering "apology" here: My Responsibility: The difference between "challenging" and "offensive," wherein he in fact disavows any responsibility for the triggering language used by Gold and his abuse of the pulpit offered by Bilerico to attack and abuse trans people.

My response to both of these articles...

How about if I give you the finger, and you give me my phone call.

Thank you.

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